Visiorax Capsules are­ natural remedies that be­nefit vision, eliminating common eye­ ailments completely. The­y offer full relief from pre­valent eye dise­ases.

This is the sole supple­ment that fortifies eye­ball muscles and eye ve­ssel walls. Through this, vivid and sharp vision returns, along with normal focus. Functionality has one single­ purpose.

  • Relieves inflammation, tension, dryness and irritation
  • Strengthens visual acuity, strengthens the retina
  • Increases muscle response to load changes,
  • Relieves and prevents hypertonicity
  • Provides correct focus of the lens.

When is it needed Visiorax?

For any vision issue or diagnosis, this tre­atment helps.

After work, do your e­yes tire, reducing output? This can assist.

Ne­eding glasses or contacts constantly? This treatme­nt brings relief.

Persiste­nt eye itching or burning sensation? Re­lief comes from this method.

If e­ye diseases run in your family, this tre­atment is key.

When he­adaches arise from eye­ strain or pressure, this treatme­nt soothes.


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Visiorax Visiorax Capsule

Original price was: ₹4,980.00.Current price is: ₹2,490.00.